Location Kyrgyzstan
Time 2019
Interior Area Total 1200 m²
Type Classic
Packging & Delivery
Min Order1 piece
3D Rendering design of SPA project
This project is located in Kyrgyzstan, with 2 floors of 1200m2 totally. It is a spa renovation project to improve it more luxury, in order to provide better experience for customers. We provide full set drawings to owner, including house plan, 3D renderings and shop drawing for installation.
There are two challenge in this project. First is language. The spa owner can’t speak English, but only Russia. We talk by translation software throughout, with some draft drawing as assistance. The second is about house plan. The owner lost original house plan and didn’t have an architect on site. We get the hand drew house plan from owner and make it into CAD drawing for 3D rendering. In stage of shop drawing, we also help owner to measure correct size of what we need, to make sure the shop drawing is accurate to produce material and installation. Somewhere needs to modify site structure, our designer also provide clear drawing as guidance.
Finally we finish the project together and the spa owner is satisfied with the design and our service, as designer and also as architect role.
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